Mass effect combat drone
Mass effect combat drone

mass effect combat drone

At least, not if you chose five of the six classes.

mass effect combat drone

Personally, I usually go for something with a Biotic flavour, because being Biotic feels unique to Mass Effect in a way that Guns and Tech aren’t, so it just feels right for my Shepard to be a Biotic, even if that means my team is often unbalanced thanks to a preference for taking Liara, Wrex, and Jack into battle.Įven if you don’t play my way though, I’d never argue you were playing the game wrong. Finally, the Tech class allows you to hack enemy AI, send combat drones or turrets into the field, or freeze people. Biotics meanwhile have the abilities to move things with their mind, and can throw people through the air or hit enemies with energy orbs. This class gives you access to a lot more guns and better armour. The Guns class is exactly what you’d expect.

mass effect combat drone

Related: I Replayed Mass Effect's Citadel DLC When I Felt My Loneliest During Lockdown For the record, you get guns in every class, but the Guns class is like, extra guns. There are also three crossover classes, so half Guns, half Biotics, as well as half Guns, half Tech, and finally half Biotics, half Tech. They have real names, but this shorthand is the best way of making it clear which one I’m talking about. There are three basic classes in Mass Effect, which for clarity I’m going to call Guns, Biotics, and Tech. What we don’t tend to talk about that much though is the very first decision you make in the game, even though it’s arguably the most important: which class do you play as? Before the remasters launch, maybe we should talk about it, because it seems like a lot of people are missing out. We Mass Effect fans even identify playthroughs in these terms: this is my Kaidan playthrough, this is my Jackmance playthrough, and so on. Your decisions in the game make each playthrough unique, whether it’s who you leave on Virmire, what you do with the Geth source code, or who you romance. The Mass Effect trilogy is defined by player choice.

Mass effect combat drone